In 2024, Messe Essen will hold the international trade fair for plants for the 40th time. The IPM has long since established itself as the world’s leading trade fair for horticulture. In this jubilee year, 32 Flemish horticultural companies will come along to present themselves at three joint stands under the umbrella of Flanders’ Agricultural Marketing Board, VLAM.
32 companies at three joint stands
Since the very first edition of the international horticultural fair in 1983, the Belgian companies have been coming to Essen every year.
The course has already been set for this 40th participation: from 23 to 26 January 2024, 32 Flemish horticultural companies will present themselves to the international trade public:
- Hall 2 - Stands B 25, D 26 & D 30:
Dataflor, De Croock, De Vos-Hertschap, De Wilde John, Denis-Plants, Deroose Plants-Exotic Plants, Floramor, Helleborus, Herplant, Hortinno, Joluplant, Leybaert, Microflor, Pelargonium Decock, Plant Select, Romberama, Rudy Raes Bloemzaden, Bloemen Johan Verbeeck. - Hall 6 - Stand C 26:
Block Jules, Bogaert Geert, Calle-Plant, Goossens Raf, Heyeveld, Laurica-Plants, Rimbaut Peter Boomkwekerij, Van Poecke & zn, Vandamme Sierplanten, Vos Patrick Boomkwekerij. - Hall 8 – Stand C 42 & D 26:
ADM Greentraders, Neyt-Van Sante, Sylva, Van Hulle B&C.
Brightly coloured cubes
The VLAM joint stands look like stacked, brightly coloured cubes with eye-catching pictures of plants, trees and shrubs, standing out from a distance. In addition to the “FLANDERS/BELGIUM” logo, the slogan “WE GROW YOUR WAY” can be seen, conveying the tailored customer service of the Belgian players.
Wide product range
The focus of this appearance at the trade faire is typical, Flemish products such as azaleas, rhododendrons, flowering indoor plants, Flemish laurel and chrysanthemums as well as shrubs, young and bedding plants and tree nursery products.
In the meantime, climate-resistant trees and shrubs have become an integral part of Flanders’ product portfolio. Not least thanks to the exemplary support of the so-called “Horticulture Technopole” – a partnership bringing together four leading, Flemish research centres – the Flemish companies are ideally positioned in comparison with international competitors.
It is self-evident that sustainability, conserving resources, integrated plant protection, etc. are firmly established in the Flemish horticultural sector.
Three novelties
At IPM 2024, Flemish exhibitors present three novelties:
Hortibreed NV – Hortinno, Hall 2, Stand B 25
Hortinno ‘Bloom'Z Bouquet’
- New: azalea variety with beautiful, straight-growing branches in the shape of a bouquet
- Multicoloured: three colours per pot
- Ultra-long flowering period
- Excellent air-purifying properties
- Can also be used in flower arrangements

© Hortibreed NV – Hortinno
Microflor, Hall 2, Stand B 25
Helleborus x Ericsmithii ‘ViV ® Olivia’
- Rich flowering Helleborus
- Seasonal colour variations: pink buds, creamy white flowers
- Five-month flowering period
- Winter hardy
- Bee-friendly

© Microflor
Rudy Raes Bloemzaden NV, Hall 2, Stand B 25:
Primula acaulis ‘Chinese New Year F1‘
- New colour range: golden flowers with dark red undersides
- Exclusive rosebud-like flowers
- Outstanding shelf life
- Uniform flowering
- Flowering time: January to March
© Rudy Raes Bloemzaden
Further information about the Flemish participation in the IPM as well as the individual profiles of the exhibitors can be found on the new platform
In addition, the site provides a great deal of information about the Belgian horticulture sector, from an index of suppliers via the trade fair calendar and production information to company presentations, etc.