A strong breed

Flemish tree nursery shows its best side
The Flemish tree nursery sector has grown in fertile soil. As far back as the 16th century, Flanders was already at the European forefront of cultivating indigenous and exotic ornamental plants.
In the past century, arboriculture in Flanders has continued to develop on a large scale and today thanks to its dynamic and innovative nature, it is a reliable trading partner both at home and abroad. What is typical, is that in addition to the traditional tree nursery centres, new production regions have also developed.
In the past twenty years, the increase in production value of the Flemish horticultural sector is primarily thanks to the tree nursery sector. As a result, Flanders, and by extension Belgium, is one of the three most important export countries of tree nursery products in Europe!

- Strength through knowledge
Sound professional knowledge and experience are important assets of the Flemish tree nurseries. This is partly due to the family structure of the companies, as a result of which craftsmanship is passed from one generation to the next. But quickly putting sound scientific research into practice at practice centres has also always been important. For example, Flemish has played a major role in the development and perfection of in-vitro technology. Modern propagation techniques and knowledge of the plant material lead to excellent knowledge of the cultivation material.
- Strength through quality
Quality and diversity are keywords. Thanks to its know-how, the Flemish tree nursery sector focuses on quality and plant uniformity in the broad diversity of the product range. The cultivation of ornamental trees, forest trees and fruit trees using modern cultivation techniques (in greenhouses, in containers) concentrates on efficient and high-quality trade. Sustainable techniques are increasingly being perfected for this.
Quality also means cooperation. Cooperation with various renowned organisations such as Belgian universities, AVBS, PCS, ILVO and the FASFC. They inspect and assist our nurseries in bringing their products to the market safely and with certification.
- Strength through location
Flanders lies in a region with a temperate climate. This makes it possible to grow a wide range of plants. Thanks to its central location in Europe, the entire European market can be served quickly and easily. Thanks to the combination of a multitude of products with our excellent transport network, we can send plants to different parts of the world at any time.
- Strength through customised solutions
Each client is special and has its own requirements and needs. Flemish growers have turned growing plants into a craft. A perfect plant is only obtained by taking care of plants with diligence and passion day after day. And the client is at the centre of this craft. And with this philosophy, for Flemish growers it is logical that each client is treated individually. Every grower feels that each client is special. A diversity of products combined with a broad range of clients. That is the strength of the Flemish tree nursery sector. Our growers develop a long-lasting relationship with their clients by continuing to offer service customised to each client year after year. Cooperation is seen as something to be sustained for the long term in Flanders.
- Strength through innovation
Flemish growers do not sit back. In cooperation with various organisations, answers are sought to everyday questions. Better, faster, more efficient, safer and more innovative are the keywords that occupy Flemish growers every day.
- Strength through the product range
For generations, Flemish tree nurseries have had a growing affinity with our neighbouring countries. That is why for years we have been cultivating a broad product range that is used both in northern and southern Europe.
For years the range, consisting of slate trees, forest and hedge plants, roses, conifers, ornamental plants in pots, with a root ball or bare roots, has been grown with the greatest care and passion.