With around eighty producers and a dozen export and supply companies taking part, Waregem Expo was pretty well filled end August. Visitors from home and abroad found their way to Florall, the trade fair where the Flemish products for the coming autumn are exhibited. The general feeling was positive, although everyone is being cautious with regard to short-term predictions – especially with an eye to the developments in Ukraine and the accompanying prices of raw materials and energy.
A professional jury presented awards to potentially interesting innovations. After intense deliberations, in which several aspects were carefully considered, the jury decided to award gold to the new variety Sempervivum ‘Coconut Crystal Belsemmag1’; Potentilla fruticosa ‘Citrus Tart’ won silver and the bronze went to Fagus sylvatica ‘Verschuurfag1’ (Midnight Feather).
In the ‘New concepts’ category, the jury awarded gold to Hedgeon by Meer Plant BV. It is a concept with pre-shaped, flowering hedge plants, of which two new selections of roses were exhibited at the trade fair.
Category: New varieties
Gold: Sempervivum ‘Coconut Crystal Belsemmag1’
Belgicactus bv, Westerlo www.colorockz.eu

Sempervivum ‘Coconut Crystal’ (brand name: Colorockz ®) brightens up borders and roofs in spring with shades of lime green and red that during the growth season fade to a spectacular combination of cream and wine red. This cultivar grows fast with a very large rosette and is known for its impressive performance in pots outside, which it thanks particularly to its extremely strong root system.
The jury appreciates the great look & feel of this plant, the chosen pot matches perfectly with this, which is a real commercial asset. An advantage is that the consumer is already very familiar with Sempervivum. This plant is climate proof: it weathers drought and heat well and is also frost-resistant. It is a plant for small spaces and patios, which will appeal to any consumer. It is also very low-maintenance.
Silver: Potentilla fruticosa ‘Citrus Tart’
Willy De Nolf NV, Waregem www.denolf.com

It is the double flowers, in a very sharp, clear yellow, that make Potentilla ‘Citrus Tart’ original. The flowers keep appearing from May to September on a very dense shrub which is not very demanding. This cultivar can handle both heat and dry soil.
The jury appreciates the eye-catching lemon-yellow colour, the shape and great positioning of the flowers. This plant is attractive both when looked at from the side and from above. It is a small shrub that produces lots of shoots and can be used in borders and by the patio. This plant also weathers drought and heat well. It is certainly an excellent addition to the product range.
Bronze: Fagus sylvatica ‘Verschuurfag1’ (Midnight Feather)
A&E Maaijen vof, Boskoop (Nl) (submission via its partnership with Groot Groen plus)

This beech that grows upright forms a continuous main branch and grows heavy on the trunk. In spring, it shoots narrow, deeply incised, red leaves that turn purple black over the course of the season. It is a fine, healthy, hardy tree that is not prone to leaf burn.
The jury feels this is a beautiful plant, a tree that can function as an eyecatcher in the garden – even in small gardens. The purple colour is striking, as is the feathery leaf. This plant surprises and tempts you to take hold of its leaves, to take a better look.
Category : concept
Gold: Hedgeon Pink, Hedgeon White
Meer Plant bv, Meer www.meerplant.be

This concept consists of offering pre-shaped hedge plants, ready to use. This is possible with green plants, but also with two, new selections of roses, one with white flowers and the other with pink ones. These completely new hybrids are very healthy and suitable for use as hedges. This ensures that the customer can enjoy the hedge straight away, as if it has been there for years.
The jury feels a ready-to-use hedge made of roses is something special. It offers potential for patios, for a green façade and also for a mini garden in a row of tiles. Its size (55 x 20 cm) corresponds to two paving stones. What is positive, is that the roses are healthy and do not have all too many thorns and they flower all over the plant for 4 months. They are low-maintenance, because the hedge can be trimmed. The size is such that the buyer can carry it (there is a handle on either side) and the mini-hedge will also fit in his car.